Sunday, May 3, 2009

Aj passed away on wed 4/29/2009 from NEC (necrotizing enterocolitis) he had a pin hole leak in his intestines which caused BM and air to go into his abdomen, which caused an infection. He was taken to children's hospital where surgeons cut an incision into is abdomen and out a tube for everything to drain out. At first we thought this was going to work and he wont need any other surgery. The next day his oxygen settings were on the highest level, his blood presssure and blood gases were really low, which made his heart rate low. We spoke to the surgeons and they said they rather not do surgery because hes on medication and the surgery couldve been worse for him. Later on in the day his rate consistantly stayed in the 70's. and then it dropped to the 30's. where the docotrs had to do CPR. he was so fragile that it made him bleed from the inside. I tried not to give up and told them to keep going, but I realized that I was being selfish and told them to stop. Before I did though, we made sure that he was baptized which I thought may help me with my faith, but it only pushed me further away from GOD.

I wasnt trying to get into any detail so it may sound like ramble. But I just wanted everyone to know what happened.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi. I just delivered my baby AJ. He was born sleeping on May 25th. I was caught by your post since you also named your LO AJ. I hope both of them are playing together in heaven.

    I know there are no words for comfort. Just know that I am thinking of you and your family.
